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Let's Lay Out Some Facts

There are tons of misconceptions about immigrants, but they're not always based in fact. Let's clear up a little confusion, shall we?

What is an Immigrant, exactly?

An immigrant is someone who comes to America from another country. Most immigrants do this by going through the proper legal channels and getting a visa, allowing them to come and live here in America freely. Others, called "illegal" immigrants do not go through official channels. However, the important part is that, no matter how they arrived on American soil, they are here now. Our mission as Humanizers is to make sure that every immigrant is treated with the utmost respect-- as a human! Hence the name. Have a look at our site to see what you can do in your local community to help immigrants!

Aren't there a ton of illegal immigrants?

Well, not really. As of February 2018, There were more than 43.7 million immigrants in the US, meaning they made up about 13.5% of the American population. Big number, right? That's great, but how many of those immigrants are "illegal?" The answer to that, as far as we know, is about 11.5 million people. I know that seems like a ton of people, but it's only 3.5% of Americans.

Why not go through proper channels?

There are lots of reasons someone may not want to go through the American immigration policy. First off, it takes a while. Usually, 6 months to a year. I know that doesn't seem too long, but a fair amount of immigrant are fleeing their home country to protect themselves and their families. There's no time to waste. Also, i they Have a criminal record, there's a good chance they can't get a visa. If they're running from their home country, they may not want any record of where they're going, again to keep their families safe.

Well, They're all criminals!

That's what the media wants you to think, that the big bad immigrants are going to come and cause a violent ruckus in our country. But it isn't true. Of course, we won't say none of the immigrants are criminals, that's just unrealistic! In truth, there's only about 820,000 illegal immigrants with criminal records, which is barely 7% of illegal immigrants. So yeah, there's a criminal or two in the bunch, but there's a criminal or two everywhere, you know?


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